












让学习有效通达深处 ——



深度学习的相对性是说,它是比浅层学习更深入、更全面、有更高品质的学习,是对学生影响 更深刻、更持久的学习。深度学习的条件性是说它是以学生先前的学习、教师良好的支持与引导、教师对课程的深刻理解、学生在教学中的深度参与、师生情感的深度投入,以及更优的教学环境等为条件的学习。要让学习通达深处,就要遵循深度学习规律,树立面向全体学生、面向未来的教学理念,突出学生对意义的自主建构与文化体认,筑牢先前学习基础,利用问题、情境、任务与项目等,优化教学过程,以多样化学科实践引导师生全身心投入教学;要利用深度学习的相对性,超越浅层学习,确定基于核心素养的深度教学目标与内容,提 供适合学生个性与学习能力的教学指导,活学活用,促进学习有效迁移,通过高质量课堂教学,把深度学习抓实;要利用深度学习的条件性,辨证处理教与学的关系,科学设计教学策略,给学生提供充裕的学习体验,促进深度学习普遍达成、有效达成。


























目的:检验多维心理僵化量表中文版在大学生中的信效度。方法:在大学生群体中收集有效数据1666份,其中1316人同时完成多维心理僵化量表中文版以及生活满意度量表(SWLS)、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表(DASS-21)、接纳与行动问卷第二版(AAQ-Ⅱ)和认知融合问卷(CFQ-F),350人只填写多维心理僵化量表,并随机选取170人进行三周后重测。结果:探索性因子分析提取6个因子,共30条目;验证性因子分析表明,6因子结构拟合良好(χ2=973.67,df=379,CFI=0.93,TLI=0.93, RMSEA=0.04,SRMR=0.05)。心理僵化各维度与生活满意度显著负相关(r=-0.19-0.35),与负性情绪显著正相关(r=0.11-0.57),与经验回避(r=0.120.48)、认知融合(r=0.110.59)显著正相关。多维心理僵化量表中文版及各维度(脱离当下、经验回避、认知融合、概念化自我、价值不清和行动受限)的内部一致性Cronbach α系数分别为0.910.760.740.820.710.710.85,重测信度(ICC)分别为0.740.760.670.710.620.650.69。结论:多维心理僵化量表中文版在大学生中具有良好的信效度。

Bin Xuan , Shuo Li , Peng Li and Lu Yang:

Time perception of individuals with subthreshold autistic traits: the regulation of interpersonal information associations

BMC Psychiatry2022

Background: People with high subthreshold autistic traits usually share behavioral patterns similar to those of individuals on the autism spectrum, but with fewer social and cognitive changes. The effect of autistic traits on time perception and the role of interpersonal information in this effect remain unexplored.

Results: In the absence of identity information, people with high autistic traits tended to judge short durations as longer. Their subjective bisection point was lower, and the Weber ratio was higher than for those with low autistic traits, suggesting that their overestimation of short duration was due to decreased temporal sensitivity. With the involvement of interpersonal information, the proportion of long responses for no identity was significantly lower than for self, friends, and strangers, which seemed more obvious in individuals with low autistic traits although there was no significant interaction between identity and group. The Weber ratio of no identity was lower than that for other identities.

Shuanghu Fang , Dongyan Ding , Pingping Ji , Mingjie Huang and Kesong Hu :

Cognitive Defusion and Psychological Flexibility Predict Negative Body Image in the Chinese College Students: Evidence from Acceptance and Commitment TherapyInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health2022

Body dissatisfaction is a global phenomenon. Despite the significant cultural difference,most research on negative body image was conducted in Western countries. How do cognitive fusion and psychological flexibility relate to negative body image in the Chinese population? In the present study, this question was investigated through the intervention technique, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Here, 86 young Chinese university students with high negative physical self were invited, in which 42 students received 10 sessions of group-based ACT intervention in a clinical setting while the remained acted as the control group with no intervention. Individual differences in psychological flexibility and cognitive defusion enhancement predicted improved body image. A strong association of implicit body image with Fatness and Shortness changes suggested that although with individual differences, those components could be internalized during the intervention in the College students.

Shuanghu Fang , Mingjie Huang and Yiyi Wang:  Measuring self-as-context in Chinese college students: Validity and reliability of the Chinese version of self-ascontext scale (C-SACS)

Frontiers in Psychology2022

Objective: To examine the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the Self-as-Context Scale (SACS) in college students.

Results: The exploratory factor analysis showed that the SACS consisted of two factors (Centering and Transcending), with a total of 9 items. The confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the two-factor structure fit well (χ2 =55.40, df=22, CFI=0.977, TLI=0.963, RMSEA=0.065, SRMR=0.032). According to the results of the measurement invariance tests, configural invariance, metric invariance, scalar invariance, and strict invariance of the 2-factor model, the C-SACS scores were comparable across genders. Additionally, the C-SACS total score and its subscale scores were significantly positively correlated with positive indicators of mental health (life satisfaction, affective well being), significantly negatively correlated with negative emotions (depression, anxiety, stress), significantly negatively correlated with experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion (except for the Transcending factor), and significantly positively correlated with mindful attention and awareness.

Shuanghu Fang and Dongyan Ding: Which outcome variables are associated with psychological inflflexibility/flflexibility for chronic pain patients? A three level meta-analysis

Frontiers in Psychology2022

The psychological flexibility model can be seen as a basis for an integrated and progressive psychological approach to chronic pain management.  The research protocol was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO, https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/ PROSPERO/), registration number CRD42021285705. Four databases were searched (PsycINFO; PubMed; Web of Science, CINAHL) along with reference lists. Thirty-six cross-sectional studies were included (7,779 participants). The present study indicated a significant small to medium association between psychological inflexibility and pain intensity, a nearly large association between psychological inflexibility and functional impairment as well as the quality of life, and a large association between psychological inflexibility and anxiety/depression.  These findings may carry significant implications for chronic pain patients regarding the potential relationship between psychological inflexibility or flexibility and these outcomes. It may consequently form the basis for more robust testing of causal and manipulable relationships.

Lei Zhang1 , Lijun Wang2&, Benyu Guo1 , Yanyan Qian3 , Qingming Liu1:A world renowned psychophysiologist: Kaoliang Chow

Protein Cell2022

Kaoliang Chow (周杲良, 1918–1998) (Fig. 1), was a world renowned psychophysiologist and neurophysiologist (Meng, 2012). He had a prominent family background, was well educated, and made significant contributions towards understanding the relationship between brain and behavior, especially regarding the processing of vision by the brain. He was among the founders of the neuroscience doctoral pro-gram and a major figure in research and training at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Lijuan Quan1 , Xinxin Wang1,2, Wei Lu1 , Xintong Zhao1 , Jialei Sun1 and Qingsong Sang1*:

The relationship between fear of recurrence and depression in patients with cancer: The role of invasive rumination and Catastrophizing

Frontiers in Psychology2022

Objective: To examine the relationship between fear of recurrence and depression in patients with cancer. Results: Fear of recurrence in patients with cancer was moderate, and the level of depression was significantly higher than that in the normal population. Fear of recurrence, invasive rumination, catastrophizing, and depression in patients with cancer were significantly positively correlated. The level of fear of recurrence was a significant positive predictor of the level of depression. Invasive rumination played a partial mediating role between fear of recurrence and depression; that is, fear of recurrence directly affected depression, and fear of recurrence indirectly affected depression through invasive rumination. Catastrophizing played a moderating role in the mediation model, in which fear of recurrence affected depression through invasive rumination.

Wentao Wu , Ran Hu, Ruxuan Tan and Hehai Liu *: Exploring Factors of Middle School Teachers’ Satisfaction with Online Training for Sustainable Professional Development under the Impact of COVID-19


During the COVID-19 pandemic, as offline learning activities were blocked,teachers’ training activities were moved from face-to-face to online training.However, few studies have focused on teachers’ satisfaction with online training. To address this gap, based on the American user satisfaction theory model (ACSI), a total of 397 middle school teachers who had online training experience participated in the survey through an online questionnaire. The findings imply that teachers should be informed in advance of various difficulties that may be encountered in online training, so as to reduce their expectations of online training quality. In addition, in order to improve teachers’ perceived quality and perceived value of online training, intervention strategies should be proposed, online training platforms should be optimized, and online training methods should be innovated to improve teachers’ sustainable development ability.

Alison MacKenzie a,* , Tien-Hui Chiang b:

The human development and capability approach: A counter theory to human capital discourse in promoting low SES students’ agency in education

International Journal of Educational Research2022

This discursive article discusses some of the inherent and durable problems associated with human capital discourses in education. While human capital is regarded as a core element in ensuring international competitiveness, this discourse greatly jeopardizes the ability of lower SES students to acquire agency through schooling. This is due to its two self-contradictory assump-tions: a profit-based ideology and a neglect of the influence of social structure on educational inequality, which greatly contribute to educational inequity. We argue that educational inequity can be improved through two complementary perspectives, which address the influence of structural constraints on educational results, as argued by Bourdieusian academics, and which optimize the advantages of agency, as proposed by the human development and capability approach.

Alison MacKenzie a , Tien-Hui Chiang b , Allen Thurston a:New insights on the persistence and reproduction of educational inequality and injustice:

Towards a synthesis of Nussbaum’s capabilities approach and Bourdieu’s theories

International Journal of Educational Research2022

Education is one of the most powerful means by which to advance equality, equity, and justice, yet it is also one of the most powerful mechanisms by which inequality, inequity and injustice are reproduced. Although academics have developed various ways for understanding these phenomena, the dichotomy between agency and structuralism persists, and is often regulated by people’s capabilities ‘to do and to be’, and the social and psychological constraints on agency. These shortcomings have stimulated us to reconsider their interactions. The aim is to explore how we may more insightfully understand the mechanisms that reproduce injustice and inequality in education by bringing together sociology and normative philosophy using Martha Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach and the theories of Pierre Bourdieu.

Yilai Pei 1 , Jiantao Han 2 , Jingwen Zhao 3 , Mengrong Liu 4 and Weiguo Pang 1,* :

The Effects of the Creator’s Situation on Creativity Evaluation: The Rater’s Cognitive Empathy and Affective Empathy Matter in Rating Creative Works

Journal of Intelligence2022

Successful intelligence theory suggests that creativity is necessary for personal achievement outside of intelligence. Unlike intelligence, creativity can develop in a supportive environment. This study focuses on the effect of the creator’s situation on creative evaluation and the role of the rater’s empathy (i.e., cognitive empathy and affective empathy) and sympathy in creative evaluation. The results showed that the participants only provided significantly higher ratings to the creative product made by a child. Cognitive empathy only predicted a creative rating under disadvantaged conditions, and affective empathy negatively moderated this effect. Affective empathy only predicted a creative rating under advantage conditions, and cognitive empathy positively moderated this effect. Affective empathy only predicted a creative rating under advantage conditions, and cognitive empathy positively moderated this effect.

Qingqing He1,2 , Bihua Zhao1 *, Hua Wei3 and Feng Huang2: The relationship between parental phubbing and learning burnout of elementary and secondary school students: The mediating roles of parent-child attachment and ego depletion

Frontiers in Psychology2022

In this study, we examined the effects of parental phubbing on learning burnout in elementary and secondary school students and its mechanism of action. A questionnaire method was applied to investigate parental phubbing, parent–child attachment, ego depletion, and learning burnout among 2090 elementary and secondary school students in Anhui Province, China. The results are as follows: (1) Parental phubbing was significantly correlated with parent–child attachment, ego depletion, and learning burnout; (2) Parental phubbing has an indirect impact on learning burnout in elementary and secondary school students through three pathways: a separate mediating effect on parent–child attachment, a separate mediating effect on ego depletion, and a chain mediating effect on both. Parental phubbing is a risk factor for Learning Burnout, which can positively affect Learning Burnout in elementary and secondary school students. The findings of the study contribute to revealing the influence mechanism of parental phubbing on learning burnout in elementary and secondary school students.

点击: 编辑:孟庆娟 预审:吴文涛 终审:李宜江 添加:孟庆娟 时间:2023-03-10